Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Puzzle # 5 - Solved



Post the answer in the comments section and earn a fiver.


  1. WATER (Shifting all letters back by 8)

  2. the code is h2o (use an alphabet where letter h is letter o). the movie is water. nimish earns a fiver.

  3. While I enjoy the puzzles posted on this blog, I'd like to make an observation regarding the solutions - Using a substitution like H2O for water is brilliant, as long as you know it has something to do with water.

    But a solver, on encountering the word Dhaly , has no reason to think of H2O or for that matter Water. You do not give the solver a fair chance to arrive at the solution. Either there should be an additional clue indicating the mechanism used for coding or there should be a clear way to arrive at the solution.

    That's just a thought. Nimish seems to getting the answers anyway!

  4. i won't be doing any spoon feeding. already the puzzles are a tad too easy. these h20 kinda clues will be there somewhere. you'll only feel it when you've savoured the puzzle completely.


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